Another excellent article. Yours always are.
But unlike most of your articles, I can't relate to this one because I'm desperate and you are not . . . yet. You went into Bitcoin as a matter of curiosity, by your description, and then, when you were done, returned to your former life which, again by your description (and to your credit), is livable. But, as a result of a number of factors, societal and personal, I am down to nothing with no certain income coming to pay for next month. I believe that of the two of us I am the one who is typical of most Americans right now. The question for my group of people is do we shoot the moon, for example with Bitcoin, and suffer who knows what consequences if it fails. Or do we stay where we are, stuck in the swamp, until we drown. The problem today, as opposed to when I was younger, is that there is nothing in the middle between the swamp and the moon. I am a pretty positive guy, but sometimes the despair hits me between the eyes so that I can't ignore it. Sorry.