I'm sorry I started this day with your article. Because I am now in an anger that will last the rest of the day.
I am a former teacher and coach. When I was teaching, if asked, I would have said there is no misogyny at my schools. But that was because I did not see it, and there was not yet any overt attack on women.
But when I look back, I remember that almost all of my good students were female. I think I also knew - semi-consciously - that the boys would end up with the jobs and most the girls would be left with tradwife as their only real option.
My wife and I always encouraged all of our six kids to go for it. But they were also getting input from elsewhere about who they were and what they were capable of. So now my two daughters (two of the smartest people I know) live lives of getting pregnant and doing old women's hair. The boys on the other hand are leaders in business, construction, IT and banking. The imbalance is too obvious to ignore.
I have written more than once in Medium on this subject. For whatever reason, my articles are never featured and have accumulated response of some likes and only a few comments. Those of us who care and write about education feel like a marginalized group.