My comment was directed not at you, but at several of your commenters. If you want to take it personally, you can of course.
For what it’s worth, you Democrats need more than a new candidate. You need a new identity. No one knows who you are. You can bitch about Biden (and I have my own set), but all you’ve done, in my opinion, is walk back into the world ultimately run by Hillary and company. How is that an improvement?
I guess my feeling is that your party needs to embrace the Progressives and their ideas, rather than ignoring them and using them as scapegoats. You can’t cater to both the Manchins and AOC. I know you don’t think you are, and maybe you’re right, but fence sitting never gets anyone anywhere, and that is all the Democrats are seen as doing. So I see no escape from their present impotency.
I hope you prove me wrong.